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The Power of Positive

IMG_5263Is being positive just a fluffy feeling that helps us feel good, or is it something that shapes our lives? I believe it shapes our lives, directs it, changes its course and sets us on a better path. Do children know this, or are they being taught this enough I wonder.

Mindfulness is becoming a buzz word now and after I created my book, ‘Ernie Gonzales; The Determined dreamer’, I realised that kids were thirsty for this kind of positive input in their lives, so this had lead me to begin creating Determined Dreamer resources, so parents and teachers can encourage kids to develop a mindful attitude.

alwaysAll too often our own thoughts take us down a path of despair and hopelessness, especially when things get tough or in times of challenges. This is hard enough as an adult, but for a child this can be even harder, and so often I have seen with kids that their thoughts spiral downwards quickly on a slippery slope of hopelessness that leads to nowhere good, and is hard to come back from. However, I believe if kids can learn this behaviour then it is possible for them to learn how to choose different thoughts.

IMG_5196Kids love the feeling of power and being in control, so having control over their own thoughts is an exciting thing for them. But the secret is to build those new thought choices when things are good, and this is why I have decided to create resources for teachers, parents and home education groups to use to do just that.

IMG_5176.JPGThe resources I have made are bold, and a little out of the box and to us may seem uncomfortable, but for kids these kind of statements are exactly what they need to grab hold on to in the good times, to allow them in sink in their minds and saturate their hearts, so when disappointment comes, and for many kids in this world it comes all too often, maybe just maybe those positive seeds will have grown strong enough to carry them and not allow them to spiral right down.

IMG_5167.JPGExplore my collection of resources and if you have a statement I have missed and you would like me to add then just let me know. Together lets empower the kids in our world to mindful warriors over their own thoughts and to create a fortress of positive, a stronghold that will keep them moving forward to strong upward path.

Note; all my resources are for downloading on home printers. Take your time and discuss together what they statement means to them and to you and how they can use it in their life, as you colouring in. Once finished display on the wall somewhere they can be seen daily, and reflect on them now and again.




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