Author Book Readings, children's books, Childrens fiction, education, School Workshops, schools, teaching resources

Encouraging kids in Detroit

The summer of 1999 was the best summer of my life, although I still believe the best is yet to come. It was so amazing because it shaped my life forever, and set me on a path to become an author. It was in Michigan, by the shores of Lake Huron, where I was not only camp counsellor but I was also Drama Director of Camp Stapleton summer camp for girls.

Me, middle left, at Camp Stapleton

Of course this experience was incredibly memorable because it was my first trip away from home on my own, and it was a huge adventure, I met loads of friends who I am still friends now and the kids touched my heart and left me changed forever. But it was also because I realised my potential there. I stretched my ability and discovered I was capable of more than I thought possible. I wasn’t expecting to be made drama director, and when asked I had no idea what this meant, but I jumped at the chance and never looked back.

A few weeks later and I was quickly making stories up, and taking kids books and making them into plays, then watching, full of pride, as my awesome kids performed them. I saw kids who were shy and unconfident transform with a bit of encouragement and face their fears of performing on stage. This in itself was more than enough of a reward, however, I also received genuine praise from a other camp counsellors and leaders who otherwise didn’t give me the time of day.

I had chosen to step beyond my limitations and what I thought I was capable of, and it was only in that moment that I grew and saw what I was capable of. This shaped me for life and was beginning of my writing career.

However, I have never been able to forget those beautiful kids who lives I touch for a fleeting moment and who touched my heart equally, all of them from inner city Detroit and facing unimaginable situations that no child should ever have to experience. I often think about them, and hope and pray that they found a way out of a life of poverty. I hope that my encouragement and the on going support they got from summers spent at this amazing camp, was enough to set them on a path of believing and living above their circumstances. when I received an email from a friend of mine, Kate, who I went to camp with all those years ago I was blown away. She told me she is now teaching kids from inner city Detroit facing the same horrendous situations as those precious little girls I met so many years ago, she had been reading my book to her class and asked me if I would do a Skype book reading for them. I jumped at the chance. To be asked was an honour, to have even the slightest chance of impacting these children’s lives in positive way was something I didn’t even have to give a second thought to.

It seemed that they had been enjoying it my book over the last weeks. However, they had never had the opportunity to meet an author with face to face or by Skype, so these kids were super excited. Finally, we scheduled a time, and made sure all technical issues were sorted, and then a press of a button and few beeps and wow I was back in Detroit, Michigan, without even leaving my home. There before me were 70 beautiful and eager faces, staring at my face displayed huge on the screen before them.

The kids had prepared questions before hand to ask me, usual questions that every child wants to ask me in ever school I visit; ‘Why did I want to be an author?’, ‘How did I write a book?’, ‘Where did I get my ideas from?’. I wanted to inspire and encourage every child I meet who asks me these questions, but with these little ones I felt I wanted to even more. I just hoped that maybe something in what I say may make them realise that I am no different to them, I didn’t have the best start, but I tried to not let that stop me in achieving my dreams. But for these children it was hard to concentrate for long and I could feel them growing restless, so we had to cut it short. Maybe 30 minutes was all they needed, maybe me just showing up, and letting them know that they were more than worth my time and that I cared about them and what may come of them, is enough to remind them of their worth and that deserve so much more.

For me this was the most memorable book reading I have done and I hope any schools from Detroit, Michigan, who read this and are working with kids in similar situations, will get in touch as I am more than happy to do the same for you. Drop me an email via my website

Inspire and be inspired!!
